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Fade – STEAM CD Key


Investigate the strange occurrences in a small town, while slowly revealing the truth behind the formation of a local cult.

2 in stock

About Fade

Set in a small town in the Mid-west. You are an investigative reporter sent out to document the local happenings of Eastville. Recently, a cult has taken up residency in the town and strange occurrences have prompted locals to pack up and leave. Prior to your arrival, the company you work for had sent out another reporter whom none have heard from in quite some time. You must use your skills to dig deeper into the mystery and reveal what the town is hiding, as well as locate the missing reporter.

Isometric survival horror with terrifying game play.

Collect items and clues to piece together a complex backstory.

Interact with characters and discern who is telling the truth.

Your decisions can lead you further into the story or an untimely demise.

Fade for PC is available on PlayEarnGame.



