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Greed – STEAM CD Key

Original price was: 11,79€.Current price is: 6,69€.

This is a tower defense and RPG game, harvests resources, explores the world, finds new towers, collects rare material, builds and updates towers, and defends against monsters. But the more resources you harvest, the stronger the monster.

1 in stock

About Greed

Greedy, a great devil that has lived for a thousand years, was turned into a sealed crystal when mining some gold. He summons you to this world to help him protect the crystal. But you are too weak, you need to build towers to fight against the monster. But your greed confuses Greedy, you are Greedy or I am Greedy???.
This world has plenty of resources, but each time you harvest resources, you will gain disaster points and increase disaster levels. The higher the disaster level, the stronger the monster will appear. Be careful, not to harvest resources too much. After some easy waves, you will meet a harder wave.
This is a tower defense and RPG game, harvests resources, explores the world, finds new towers, collects rare material, builds and updates towers, and defends against monsters.
Current state :
– 24 uncommon tower
– disaster level limit is 39
– 13 types of monsters
– boss monster and giant monster

Greed for PC is available on PlayEarnGame.



