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Riot Street – Steam CD Key


Riot Street is a tactical driven team shooter dedicated to close quarters combat on urbanized terrain.

Riot Street – Steam CD Key


About Riot Street

Various multiplayer options

Players have the option to connect to a nearby lobby or host their own with friends. It’s up to the player to decide whether to use official and community servers or run personal dedicated servers.

Be tactical

Riot Street is not a tactical simulator. The meaning of “tactical” and “team” is only imply that situational awareness and cooperation with teammates is the key to win on the battlefield.
The standard and brutal “Run-and-Gun” play style is not off limits, it’s just less suitable. Much less.

Build your own class

That’s right! Make your very own loadouts with no restrictions on weapons or tactical gadgets. Rifles, pistols, machine guns, knives, explosives, whatever you like! No strict classes. Only you choose what to bring to battle.

So, use it for your advantage, gear up and make the streets shake with the rumble of bullets!

One battleground – different scenarios

Various game modes across each map:

Two teams, two sites to protect or destroy (with explosive charge). Fire in the hole!
Control capture points, dominate on the battlefield and try to stop your opponents dead in their tracks.
Keep your enemies out of the control point and make their attempts futile.
Team Deathmatch
Full on battle mode, the deathmatch to end all matches. Attack and destroy everyone that comes across your path. Just wipe them out from the land. All of them. Repeat if necessary.

PTFO soldier and don’t die trying!

P.S. Yes, we do have boots on the ground!

Riot Street – Steam CD Key for PC is available on PlayEarnGame for the lowest price on the market and you can pay for it with our crypto.